Saturday, August 30, 2014

Episode 15

Comic Book games and Guardians of the Galaxy

What does Lag Time think of the summer smash hit Guardians of the Galaxy? How about what we think of some of the comic book related games? If you listen to this episode, you'll probably find out.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Episode 14

Episode 14 - Destiny Beta

On the show this week, we talk about Destiny and how she ruined my life. We also talk about the Destiny beta now that it's over. Just like me and Destiny. We all drink beer in fond/bitter remembrance of our respected Destiny Experiences.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Episode 13

Toxic Communities

This week we talk about how communities contribute to the experience of games and how a negative community doesn't just hurt the games, but it hurts the gamers.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Episode 12

Episode 12 - Digital Distribution

This week we talk about digital distribution in gaming. How far it's come, and where it may or may not be going. We also talk about the steam summer sale. Beer is there too.